Birthday Parties

We offer a variety of different birthday parties including hockey, gymnastics, cheerleading and more! Parties are two hours – one hour for the activity of choice, 45 minutes upstairs for food (to be brought with you) and 15 minutes for dodgeball or another agreed upon mat activity.
  • Please remove shoes immediately upon entering the facility. There are no shoes allowed in the training area and no shoes allowed upstairs in the viewing lounge.
  • Parents/spectators are welcome to watch from the viewing lounge upstairs. There are no parents/spectators permitted in the training area/on the red mat.
  • No standing on the stairs. We need to ensure the hand railing is accessible at all times.
  • Please arrive at a time that allows you to be prepared to start your activity when your party begins. (i.e. on ice parties can arrive 20-30 mins ahead of schedule to ensure they are ready to be on the ice at start time)
  • Hockey birthday parties require full gear
  • Food and drinks to be brought with you. We appreciate that any refuse that is brought into the gym is taken with you when you leave.
  • Once skaters are changed they are to sit on a bench until further instructions.
  • Skaters are not permitted to go onto the rink, ramp or treadmill without instructor
  • No food or drinks (other than water) permitted in the training area/change rooms. Food must stay upstairs at all times
  • Refrain from entering on the red matted area until instructed
  • When it is time for dodgeball to start, we will ask the participants to come down to the mat. Until then please stay in the room upstairs
  • While on the mat please do not wear clothing with buttons or zippers
For more information or to book a party please call 613-612-9171 or email